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Menghuan1918's personal blog

Menghuan1918's personal blog

An average college student, currently studying computer-related knowledge and enjoys tossing around all sorts of stuff.


Hello! Welcome to my personal blog, built using VuePress Theme Hope, you can visit the site source by clicking on the top right corner.

There may be occasional updates with some tossed miscellanea 🥳


As English is not my first language, please feel free to point out any misrepresentation~

Menghuan1918Less than 1 minute
The final choose of note:Obsidian + Self-hosted LiveSync

As the title is not so accurate, it should say that almost all notes are written in Obsidian, but some note that need handwritten still being written by OneNote, after all Obsidian doesn't official support handwritten.

And the difficulty to use Self-hosted LiveSync is to set up the HTTPS(needs domain name), without which mobile devices may not able to sync. Luckily, with (free version) taiscale, we do not need to buy a domain name or have a public IP!

Menghuan1918About 2 minSoftwareRaspberrypiLinuxDockerSoftware
Configuring DOSBox and its window size

By default, DOSBox's window size is specified in pixels, which is a little bit too small for modern screens. It is not possible to drag and drop the window to resize it, although it is possible to use alt + Enter to switch it to full-screen mode, but for efficiency reasons it is better to resize the window.

Menghuan1918About 2 minLinuxWindowsLinuxSoftwareArchUbuntu